The College Club of Fanwood-Scotch Plains welcomes Kim Hanley, a fine actor, singer, c ostum er and dancer, who will portray A nne Oakley, and provide a n intimate po rtrait of the inspiring life of the famous sharpshooter as well as clearing up any “An nie Get Yo ur Gun” misco nce pti ons . With ph otographs and pos ter s every where, Annie Oakley and pr ofessional partner Buffalo Bill Cody may have been the first internatio nal superstars. The no-ho lds-barred performer learned to shoot fr om practic al necessity, hunting to feed her parents and siblings and also fought and supported important causes of the day such as safe working conditions, fair and equal pay for a day’s wor k regardless of gender o r h eritage, and the country in t imes of war, as well as funding the education of many young girls. Her motto was to “ Aim for a hig h mark…for practice will make you perfect.” and her hope w as t hat all women would reach the “Bulls-eye of Success.”
This progra m is fu nded b y the H orizons Speakers Bureau of the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, a stat e par tne r of the National Endowment for the Humanities and produced by the American Historical Theatre.
Come enjoy Ms. Hanley’s portrayal of Annie Oakley and learn more about her life and stories. The program is free and open to the public. The College Club’s mission is to support education of our youth, local community a nd we encourag e you to br ing your ch ild ren, scouts, and community groups to our meeting at The Chelsea l ocated at 29 5 So uth Av e, Fanwood, NJ. Refreshments will begin at 7: 30 pm with the program to start at 7:45pm.
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