College Club of Fanwood-Scotch Plains Elects New Officers

(above) New Officers of the College Club of Fanwood-Scotch Plains
Courtesy photo

College Club Elects Officers

The College Club of Fanwood-Scotch Plains elected officers for the 2023-24 club year at the Annual Meeting on May 22nd. The newly elected officers are:

Co-Presidents, Jean Naugle and Joan Skubish, Vice President, Laurie Chichester, Treasurer, Joanne Sheffield, Co-Recording Secretaries, Patricia Aiere and Barbara Catterall, Corresponding Secretary, Mary Cappio and Co-Directors, Tish Isack and Dorothy Lusk.

During the meeting, Co-Presidents, Jean Naugle and Joan Skubish, reviewed the successful fundraisers, community service projects and social events of the past year while thanking and applauding the untiring efforts and commitment of the club’s 41 active members.

The mission of the College Club continues to be to empower young women through education by providing scholarships. Without skipping a beat, the newly elected officers and committee chairs will begin planning fundraisers, programs for monthly meetings, community service projects and social events for the College Club’s 91st year.

New members are welcome to join the College Club in serving the local communities and helping the College Club continue its mission. Membership information and further inquiries about the College Club of Fanwood-Scotch Plains can be obtained by sending an email request to

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