Submitted by Christine Schiumo
J.A. Coles Elementary School students in Scotch Plains, NJ, shared their own Super Bowl excitement by participating in their annual “Soup-er Bowl”. Each year this PTA-sponsored event is a big “win” for our students and local food pantries.
Bins decorated with the two Super Bowl teams are placed in the main lobby of school for two weeks. Students choose which team they think will win the actual Super Bowl by placing donated canned food into the bin for their team of choice.
The big winner of the Coles “Soup-er Bowl” was the Rams, collecting 140 canned goods! In total students donated 187 cans of food which will be donated to a local pantry to help our neighbors in need.
The Coles Kids Care program, sponsored by the JA Coles PTA, continues to give back to those in need in our community throughout the school year.