Clean Out Your House, Fill Up Your Soul!

Do you have clothing, toys and small housewares gathering dust in your house? Your de-cluttering can do so much good in our community! Please bring your donations of clothing and accessories (men’s, women’s, kid’s and maternity), gently used toys, small housewares and Halloween costumes to Jumble Store, 110 Walnut Ave. in Cranford, every Wednesday through August 24th from 4pm to 6pm!
Your donations help fund the Career Closet, which provides FREE business wear to local women re-entering the workforce, the Teen Closet, which provides underserved high school seniors with FREE professional clothing and resume/college application assistance and scholarships for exceptional local HS seniors.
Don’t throw those used clothes out or put them in a random collection box! Know that your generous donations are helping your friends and neighbors all over Union County by donating to the Jumble Store. For more information or questions, please contact us at or call 908 709 1177.
The Jumble Store, Career Closet and Teen Closet are all projects administered by the Junior League of Elizabeth-Plainfield (JLEP). The JLEP is an organization of volunteer women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership. Would you like to join us to make your community a better place? We’d love to hear from you at Visit our website and follow us on Facebook at The Junior League of Elizabeth-Plainfield.