Clark Unico’s New Year Kick Off

Clark UNICO held its Annual New Year Kickoff dinner meeting at Bistro 1051 in Clark. Over 55 members attended the dinner. Clark Chapter President Ralph Bernardo updated all members about the upcoming year calendar, new business, financial statement, feast update for 2016, etc. and then introduced special guest National President Anne Walko who swore in new members. Clark UNICO’s membership is on the rise again this year after a slight decline last year. For information about the organization please call 908-337-7773.

(above) New members are sworn in by National President Anne Walko. The new recruits are: Mark Conforti, Phyllis Cunningham, Linda Malanga, Jerry Fogle and Mr. & Mrs G ’Sell

(above) New members are sworn in by National President Anne Walko. The new recruits are: Mark Conforti, Phyllis Cunningham, Linda Malanga, Jerry Fogle and Mr. & Mrs G ’Sell