Clark Public Library April Events


Registration is required for programs unless noted. Additionally, free movies are shown at the library on Monday and Wednesday at 1:00p.m. Newly released DVDs are featured each Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. No registration is required for movies. Visit our online calendar at or call 732 388 5999 for more information.

Be sure to visit the library to enjoy these free events for people of all ages.

Union County Division on Aging Services on
Monday, April 10  from 10- Noon
Do you have a questions about services for seniors or their caregivers? The Union County Division on Aging will be at the Clark Public Library to answer them. Drop by anytime between 10am-12pm and get answers to your questions about: pharmaceutical assistance, home energy assistance, home care, home delivered or congregate meals, caregiver relief, medicaid, transportation, and other questions you may have.

Spring Break Events for Children
April 10-13:
Children’s Book BINGO on
Monday, April 10 at 2 pm
Join us for a fun afternoon of BINGO featuring our favorite children’s book characters. Small prizes will be awarded. For children ages 4 – 8 years old.  Advance registration is requested.

Starlab Portable Planetarium on
Monday, April 10 at 7 pm
Explore the night sky in the portable Starlab Planetarium.  Learn how to find planets, constellations, and more.  If the sky is clear afterward, we will go outside and compare with what we saw inside!  For children ages 4-12, willing to enter the planetarium independently.  Registration is required.

Family Movie Matinee on
Tuesday, April 11 at 2:30 pm

  • Moana, the strong-willed daughter of a Polynesian chief sets out from her island home across the ocean in search of Maui, a demigod, to save her people from a curse. Rated PG.
  • D.E.A.R. Day on Wednesday, April 12-9:30 am-5 pm
  • Celebrate Drop Everything and Read Day by coming to the library and reading.  Drop in anytime during library hours and do some reading.  Children caught reading or being read to by a caregiver will receive a small prize!
  • DIY Frames with Ms. Nina on Thursday, April 13 at 2 pm
  • Create your own special frame with Mod Podge.  A variety of themes will be available, including Superheroes!  For children in grades 3-5.  Registration is required.
  • Adult Book Club on Monday, April 17 at 7 pm
  • Join us for our next book club meeting. We will be discussing “The Girls of Atomic City” by Denise Kiernan. Kiernan traces the astonishing true story of the unsung female World War II workers in Oak Ridge, Tennessee-one of the Manhattan Project’s secret cities. Please speak with a librarian for information on obtaining a copy of the book.

Remedies from the Kitchen with Judith Krall-Russo on
Thursday, April 20 at 7 pm
Join food historian Judith Krall-Russo as she discusses the history and folklore of home remedies. Long before pharmacies, people concocted their own remedies for everything from coughs and sore throats to hiccups and hangovers. Our ancestors relied mainly on everyday foods that could be found in the kitchen or garden such as honey, spices, and herbs. Some of what you will learn is practical, some will be humorous and some will be downright bizarre! Please note this workshop is not meant to take the place of your medical practitioner’s advice.

Family Movie Matinee on
Sunday, April 23 at 2:00 pm
In a city of humanoid animals, a hustling theater impresario’s attempt to save his theater with a singing competition becomes grander than he anticipates even as its finalists’ find that their lives will never be the same.

Chess Club for Kids on
Tuesday, April 28 at 3:15 pm

Children ages 8 and up are invited to join the Clark Public Library Chess Club. Students from the ALJ High School Chess Club will be on hand to provide basic chess instruction.  Advance registration is required.

The Notables in Concert on
Sunday, April 30 at 2:00 pm
Join us for a lively concert by The Notables. The Notable Singers are a choral group comprised of approximately 20 women of all ages, occupations, lifestyles and backgrounds. Their voices blend in harmony to sing America’s favorite music in lively arrangements of Broadway, Jazz and pop tunes that are classic as well as contemporary, singing music by the greats such as  Irving Berlin, George and Ira Gershwin, Oscar Hammerstein, and much more.

Grown-Up Coloring Club Meets Weekly on
most Fridays – 
April 7, 21, 28, at 1:30 p.m.
Coloring isn’t just for kids anymore!  Join us for a relaxing afternoon of coloring for grown ups. Relieve some stress while stimulating your creativity!  No registration is required.

Teen Tech Help on most
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm, Fridays at 3:30 pm, Saturdays at 2:00 pm and Sundays at  2:00 pm
Do you have a new phone or tablet and need help figuring it out?  The library now offers one-on-one assistance with a variety of technological issues. Sessions last one hour and may also focus on e-mail, e-books, Microsoft Office or other technology questions you might have. Advance registration is required, so please call the Reference Desk at 732 388 5999 to schedule an appointment.

Microsoft Office Help on
May 6 at 11:00 am
Would you like to have your questions on Microsoft Word, Excel, or other Microsoft Office programs answered? Or even just have a tutorial?  Register for a one-on-one session.  Offered the first Saturday of the month.

Registration is required for programs listed above, unless noted otherwise. Additionally, free movies are shown at the library on Monday and Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.  Newly released DVDs are featured each Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. No registration is required for movies. For complete details and registration information about events at the Clark Public Library, please stop by or see our online calendar at  or call 732-388-5999.