Clark Preschool Students Experience the Power of Books

On January 8th, 2019, Stephanie Azzaro, the Clark Public Library Associate visited the Clark Preschool classrooms for story time and a brief discussion about the library.  Ms. Azzaro read books based on a food theme. According to Lori Kowalski, Preschool Supervisor, “The children were delighted with Ms. Stephanie’s book selection and her animated storytelling.” A field trip to the library is planned for the spring.

Reading to your child is one of the most important things you can do to prepare them with a foundation for academic excellence. Books have the power to benefit preschoolers in many ways including a higher aptitude for learning, reinforcement of basic sounds that form language, and the attainment of valuable communications skills.

(above) Ms. Azzaro reading to the Clark Preschool students.
Photo by Clark Public School District