Church of St. Anne’s 100th Anniversary
Submitted by Carol Lombardo
The Church of St. Anne Centennial Anniversary Committee is excited to announce that work has begun on making the church’s Centennial in 2026 a very special event. There are so many memories of our parish that we don’t want to miss anything. The Church was established in 1925, having its first Mass in 1926, and the school, which no longer exists, opened its doors in the early 1950’s.
Right now, the Committee is specifically looking for any pictures or memorabilia that friends and parishioners of St. Anne’s may have of past events at our Church and School – graduations, weddings, Christmas pageants at school, May crownings, card parties, banquets, pictures of our beloved nuns and/or teachers who taught so many of our parishioners, school or church pamphlets and programs, anything at all related to the Church or the School. Remember the bowling alleys in the basement of the Church? Remember kindergarten graduations with pink and blue caps and gowns?
If there are items that you don’t want to part with, the Committee can photograph or scan the items and return the originals to you. Our goal is to create a photographic collage of the life of our Church going back as far as we can. The new pastor, Rev. Robert Lamirez, is looking forward to sharing your memories as he is anxious to learn about the wonderful history of St. Anne’s and all that has gone on before his residency here.
Anything you can offer us will be greatly appreciated. Items can be dropped off during office hours at the Rectory. Please include your name and phone number and indicate if you want the item(s) or photos returned. If you can, please identify some or all of the people in the pictures. Identities will not be displayed, but it would be great for the Committee to know the names of the people who cared so much about our great parish. If you have any questions, you can leave a message with the parish office at 908-789-0280 and someone from the Committee will get back to you.
Thank you in advance for your help. Our School was an integral part of our community, and our Church still is, and we know there are lots of pictures out there of past events. Please help us celebrate with your memories so we can be able to create more memories for the current and future generations.