Children’s Specialized Fundraiser – A Linden Tradition
Children’s Specialized Hospital (CSH) in Mountainside was presented with a check for $2,250 from Linden Kiwanis after the successful conclusion of the Kiwanis Club of Linden’s annual Walk-A-Thon Halloween Parade Project which was held jointly with all our K-Kids Clubs at the Linden elementary schools on October 30, 2015. Almost $1000 was raised by the K-Kids Clubs, and the remainder was raised by the Kiwanis Club of Linden, inclusive of generous contributions received from Infineum USA LP and Dr. William Osborn. School #4 contributed over $500.00 as part of their school family is receiving services from CHS. This year some schools used their donations for other causes – such as helping out a school family member who was sick. Special thanks to Danny Robertozzi, Superintendent of the Linden Public Schools and Chris Kolibas, our Kiwanis Club of Linden President, for attending our luncheon and their continual support of our programs. This fun fundraising event has become a Linden public schools / Kiwanis Club of Linden tradition.
Children’s Specialized Hospital is the nation’s leading provider of inpatient and outpatient care for children from birth to 21 years of age. The children who are treated at Children’s Specialized face special health challenges which range from chronic illnesses and complex physical disabilities like brain and spinal cord injuries, to developmental and behavioral issues like autism and mental health. At 13 different New Jersey locations, our pediatric specialists partner with families to make our many innovative therapies and medical treatments more personalized and effective…so children can achieve more of their goals.
Our Kiwanis Club of Linden was organized on November 7, 1946 and is looking to expand our membership. As this nonprofit organization’s population ages, regeneration is vital. Kiwanis is an international organization, and the mission is to change the world one community, one child at a time. So, let’s continue to change Linden’s future by continuing to teach children about serving others and community leadership. Kindly contact membership chair, June Lazaro, at Primerica, by calling (908) 687-9008 for further information about membership and/or attending our meetings. We dine at Primavera’s CafО & restaurant for lunch on Thursdays.
Special thanks to all of our community for the support of time and money throughout the years. Our success depends on our community. Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

(above l-r) Linden Kiwanis club members Xiomara Turcios, Michael Merlo, Ben Sheedy, June Lazaro, Billy Cardone – Community Engagement Coordinator, Alexis D’Anton – Community Engagement Coordinator for Childrens Specialized Hospital, Lois Bass, Christopher Kolibas – President of Linden Kiwanis, Danny Robertozzi Ed.D, and Dolores Maslo.