Plastic Bags Ordinance
Submitted by Jessica Romeo (Township, Environmental Commission) and Len Resto
On March 1, ordinances banning single use plastic bags at retail establishments in Chatham Borough and Chatham Township took effect. Paper bags will be available upon request and businesses in the Borough will charge 10 cents per bag. The plastic bags generally used in the produce section of a supermarket and to wrap fish or other wet items are not prohibited by these ordinances.
The goal is for shoppers to bring sturdy reusable bags to bring home purchases. Several area collection points have been set up to collect and distribute sturdy reusable bags. “Leave a bag, take a bag” collection bins are located in the Chatham Borough and Chatham Township Municipal Buildings, the Senior Center of the Chathams, and Purple Aardvark. Please donate any extras you have in your closets, take a bag or two if you need any. You can bring any type of bag to a retail establishment to bring home your purchases!
Let’s reduce plastic contamination of our land, water and food.