Category: Watchung Post

Watchung Seniors Travel Down Memory Lane

On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 three dozen members of the Watchung Seniors Club gathered at the Texier Museum. The club leaders conducted their regularly scheduled meeting in the media room of the museum. Afterward the members of the Watchung Historical Committee guided their senior guests through

Ovarian Cancer Foundation Awards Grant May 15th

Kaleidoscope of Hope Foundation, Inc. will be hosting an awards luncheon on May 15, 2016 in the Hunt Room of The Grain House in Basking Ridge beginning at noon. The Foundation will be awarding several grants to researchers in the ovarian cancer field. Dr. Snyder-Charen

“Kristallnacht And Beyond”

“What’s Brewing?” At Wilson Memorial Church Erwin Ganz To Speak On “Kristallnacht And Beyond” On Sunday April 10, Mary E. Wilson Memorial Church in Watchung will host holocaust survivor Erwin Ganz for its on-going series of discussions and presentations, “What’s Brewing at Wilson”? Mr

Library Happenings
