Category: Warren Monthly

Opening Day For Staff of Warren Schools

By: Mary Ann McGann “There is something about the energy of a new school year that is so invigorating,” says Superintendent Dr. Matthew Mingle, who addressed a nearly standing room only crowd at Warren Middle School on Sept. 1. “The

Jessie Sun Ultimate Star

By: Edir Coronado Ultimate, which was originally known as Ultimate Frisbee, has been gaining a lot of notoriety lately from the public and even the International Olympic Committee in 2015. This is the vision of local Ultimate superstar Jessie Sun,

Chelsea Donates $1,500 to Warren Volunteer First Responders

Following the annual Chelsea Senior Living golf outing held on September 21, 2016, the Chelsea at East Brunswick donated $1,500 to Warren’s emergency first responders. The money will be shared among the Warren Township Office of Emergency Management, Warren Rescue

Facing today’s teens and young adults: Prescription Drugs and Heroin Overdosing

Temple Har Shalom invites the community at large to free education sessions where parents and teens can discover more about this nationwide crisis. Drug abuse and drug overdoses were the leading cause of accidental death in the United States in
