Category: Summit Times

TryCAN Program Awarded Agency and Administrator Awards

The Summit Community Programs TryCAN Program was recently awarded two prestigious awards at the New Jersey Commission on Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities’ (NJ CRID) Annual Conference. NJ CRID is dedicated to the statewide development and implementation of recreation and

Summit Students Build Schoolhouse, Playground in Guatemala

Isabelle Kenny and Christina (Nina) Maurizi, both of Summit, and schoolmates from Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child, spent part of their summer building a schoolhouse and playground for children in Guatemala. They journeyed to the village of Santa

Advocates Needed for Local Foster Youth: Casa Offers New Flex-Trainings in Dec, Jan

CASA of Union County is seeking Summit residents to step up and be the voice for one of the nearly 600 Union County youth, ages 0-21, currently in foster care through no fault of their own. Traditionally, the required 30-hour

Santa Claus Shop is in Need of Donations

The Santa Claus Shop will open its doors to area families, providing its 50`th consecutive year of complimentary holiday shopping. The shop serves more than 500 low-income families and senior citizens from Summit, New Providence and Berkeley Heights who are
