Category: Summit Times

Tours of Summit Primary Centers

Parents of prospective kindergarten and pre-kindergarten students for the Summit Primary Centers at Jefferson School and Wilson School are invited to tour the facilities. Children who will be 5 years old by October 1, 2018 are eligible for Kindergarten and

Neighbors Helping Neighbors Since 1962

The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad is conducting its annual fundraising drive, and is asking neighbors to continue helping neighbors by making a tax-deductible donation during the campaign. Founded in 1962, the First Aid Squad serves as the primary Emergency

SHS Theater Department Announces Upcoming Performance

Summit High School will present Love’s Labour’s Lost by William Shakespeare on November 16 to 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the SHS Auditorium. “It is a hilarious, romantic comedy full of mistaken identities, confessions of love, and heart-felt affection,” shares

Student Highlight – Iria Diaz

Submitted by Summit Public Schools Iria Diaz is a senior at Summit High School. Not only is she a strong athlete, but Principal Stacy Grimaldi describes her as a hard-working student who always has a smile on her face. Playing
