Category: Summit Times

Summit Teacher Recognized for Saving Nearly 200 Rescue Dogs

Submitted by Matthew Holowienka When Summit resident Kristine Duetsch first began researching Home for Good Dog Rescue at the end of 2016, she had done so for one reason; to potentially adopt a rescue animal into her home. However, after rearranging

Summit Fire Department Info on Generator Safety during Power Outages

The City of Summit Fire Department issued information on generator safety during the recent extended time of power outages in Summit. The department received a number of emergency calls related to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in homes from generator

Junior League of Summit Trivia Night Raises $15,000

Submitted by Carly Spary  The Junior League of Summit hosted its third annual trivia night fundraiser on Saturday, February 10, 2018, at Chatham Fish & Game, 41 Fairmont Avenue, Chatham, New Jersey. The sold-out event was wildly successful, raising nearly

MONDO Summit’s Breakfast Discussion for Local Creatives

By Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta For the past several years, many involved in Summit’s innovative community have grouped together envisioning a “Creative Summit.” This group welcomes participation from professionals in visuals arts, dance, theatre, music, literary, and healing arts to represent their
