Category: Spirit of Union

Join the Union Township Historical Society for Hannah Caldwell Day

Union Township Historical Society June event Hannah Caldwell Day will be commemorated by the Union Township Historical Society at the Caldwell Parsonage, 909 Caldwell Avenue, Union, on Sunday, June 7, from 2 to 5 p.m.  Rev. James Caldwell, portrayed by

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Union Township Virtually Rededicates Veterans Memorial Honor Roll Park on Memorial Day

Rededication of Memorial Honor Roll Park On Memorial Day, Union’s Veterans Memorial Honor Roll Park was virtually rededicated. As part of the rededication, biographies of Union and Vauxhall veterans that had been video recorded by Sal Terrezza, Union TV34 Manager,

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The Rotary Club of Union Donates Food and Medical Supplies to Help Community

Rotary’s Unwavering Commitment to Union Submitted by Sharon L. Brangman Rotary Club of Union, NJ is invested in the global fight amid the challenges during COVID-19 by donating food and medical supplies to the community. It is our sincere goal

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YMCA Embarks on Story Collection Project to Celebrate 120th Anniversary

YMCA Story Collection Project to Celebrate Anniversary Submitted by Colleen Clayton The Gateway Family YMCA announced the launch of a story collection project to collect 120 “Y Stories” to celebrate 120 years of serving the community in June 2020. The

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