Category: New Providence News

Mother Launches Local Autism Search Directory

Officially launched this past April, is an innovative take on something that’s become quite familiar in the 21st century: the online local search directory. However, what sets NeedQuest apart from other similar websites is two-fold. In addition to being

Dr. Keith Mason Joins Camp Broadway

Dr. Keith Mason, teacher of Italian at New Providence High School, has joined Camp Broadway as a consultant and study guide author. The New York based company uses theatre as an educational tool. One of the company’s offerings is a

New Providence First Police Youth Academy

The first New Providence Police Youth Academy was conducted on July 11 to July 15 and was attended by 11-13 year old borough children. The academy was directed by Lt. Justine Kennedy and Det. Michael Hand. Instructors were Cpl. Chad

4th Annual Bikers For Brooke

By: Edir Coronado On June 12, 2016 hundreds of bikers gathered at the New Providence Community Pool parking lot, to register and cruise through town and the surrounding communities. These biker enthusiasts revved up their engines and toured through each town, escorted by the Blue
