Category: Madison Monthly

Museum of Early Trades & Crafts is Ready for Spring

Submitted by Tara Heffernan We are so ready for spring at METC! The Museum of Early Trades & Crafts is offering an abundance of new and different programs for all our visitors with the goal that everyone will be able

Edison and the Origins of Electric Lighting

Boy Scout Troop 25 Madison Annual Cabin Camp

Submitted by Ruth Deane Boy Scout Troop 25 from Madison, New Jersey, held their annual cabin camp out at Winnebago Scout Reservation last month. This annual camp out is popular with the scouts and is a big recruiting week end

Proceeds of Children’s Book Benefit St. Hubert’s

Growing up with a pet is one of the great joys of a young life. The playing, the bonding, often the forming of the first real friendship provides a lifetime of memories. The loss of a pet is usually a
