Category: Life in Linden

How Taste of School No. 2 Began…

A SCHOOL IS MORE THAN A BUILDING, IT IS THE CENTER OF A COMMUNITY. School No. 2 hosted their first annual “Taste of School No. 2” event. This project started back in December when all of our School No. 2 students

A Delicate Balance

Students in Mrs. Downes’ Science class in School Two are building mobiles as part of the Balancing & Weighing Science Unit. Making mobiles offers students an opportunity to apply what they have discovered about the relationship between balance and weight.

Linden FD Training Center Dedicated To George J Miller

Monday, March 21, 2016 marked the kicked off to the year-long celebration of the 100th Anniversary of The Linden Fire Department. The department marked this day by dedicating the Linden Fire Department Training Center to the department’s very first training

Coat and New Sock Drive

School Ten’s Student Council held a gently used coat and new sock drive which concluded at the end of January. The advisors Fran Czylek and Tracey Capalbo are happy to say that the Student Council collected 63 coats and 19 packages of socks along with hats,
