Category: Life in Linden

Nazi German Concentration & Extermination Camp Historic Exhibit

Linden High School Presents “High School Musical”

Linden High School is proud to present Disney’s High School Musical. This is a family friendly show which tells the story of East High Wildcats and a pair of students who dare to be different. Troy Bolton is the star

Soehl Macha Times Newspaper

Soehl Middle School 8th grade Language Arts teacher Mr. Jan Macha came up with the thought of turning his classroom into a newspaper. During the month of December and first two weeks of January, the classroom turned into The Macha

Residents Asked to Bring Unwanted Medicines to Police HQ

The Linden police Department has announced that it has joined the New Jersey Attorney General’s “Project Medicine Drop” initiative, and has installed a Project Medicine Drop Box at Police Headquarters. This makes it easier and more convenient than ever for
