Category: Life in Linden

Linden Public Schools Farm Stand

Linden Public Schools focuses on the importance of teaching our students in making informed food choices, developing healthy eating and how to achieve proper physical activity habits. Linden food services provider Pomptonian took the initiative to further educate Linden students

School No. 1 Muffins For Mom Breakfast

Linden School No.1 hosted their annual “Muffins for Mom” because Principal Dona Preston, teachers and staff realize how important the relationship is between home and school. The line of moms went down the hall, through the door and outside onto

Sandy Vazquez Named Volunteer Of The Year

Sandy Vazquez, was recognized as the 2017 Municipal Volunteer of the Year at a recognition dinner held on May 9, 2017 at the Galloping Hill Inn.

Linden School No. 6 Safety Patrol Awards

The Linden Police Department and Linden Detective Afstratio Zevlikaris congratulated the Safety Patrol of School No 6 on June 20th. The students were awarded certificates for their service as Safety Patrols during an assembly. The Safety Patrol of Linden School
