Category: Florham Park Press

End of Summer Shows Added to Gazebo Concert Series

The Florham Park Gazebo Concert Series Two end of summer celebration shows have been added to The Florham Park Gazebo Concert Series. Concerts are held on The Great Lawn of the Borough Complex, located  at 111 Ridgedale Avenue, Florham Park,

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Florham Park Library to host Fall Minicourses

Florham Park Library September 2023 Friends of the Madison Public Library Registration is now open for two new in-person “minicourse” offerings organized and sponsored by the Friends of the Madison Public Library. The courses will cover topics relating to campaigns

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Florham Park’s Annual remembrance of officers Dailey and Hauptman

Annual remembrance of officers Dailey and Hauptman Florham Park Police Department Forty-eight years ago two of Florham Park’s finest police officers paid the ultimate sacrifice serving the residents of the Borough. On July 17, 1975, both officers were tragically killed

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Florham Park Celebrates annual National Night Out

Florham Park National Night Out 2023 National Night Out, a national community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships, was held on Tuesday, August 1st at the Recreation Department field. The free event was hosted by the Florham Park Police Department and Office

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