Category: Fanwood Post

National Merit Scholarship Finalists Announced

The National Merit Scholarship Program has announced that two Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School seniors, Shona Jain and Daniel Zheng, are Finalists in the 2016 Competition for National Merit Scholarships. This is one of the most coveted honors that can be bestowed on a high school

Tickets On Sale For The HS production of

Tickets On Sale For High School Production Of The Mystery Of Edwin Drood Get ready to enjoy a fantastic performance by the SPF Repertory Theatre of The Mystery of Edwin Drood, a hilarious, interactive whodunit mystery musical that allows the audience to enter the

A Day Of Discovery

A Day Of Discovery At Howard Brunner Elementary School The Brunner School PT hosted a wonderful science and engineering day at Brunner School on Saturday, February 20th. Students explored concepts in magnetism while they raced cars with magnets using opposite poles, they also got

Fanwood “Goes Red For Women’s Health”

Again this year, Borough Hall staff and Fanwood women wore red to show their support of the American Heart Association’s “Go Red” for women’s heart health event on Feb. 4th. The annual national observance was held to raise awareness of women’s heart health. It focused
