Category: Fanwood Post

Fanwood-Scotch Plains Rotary Club Assists in Food Pantry Shortage

On July 7th, the Fanwood-Scotch Plains Rotary Club donated a check for $1,000 to El Centro in Plainfield. As partners with NJ food Bank they have an emergency food pantry for any member of the community that needs assistance. Earlier

Fanwood PD Offers “Coffee With a Cop”

About 80 residents turned out on July 14, to have coffee at Mara’s Cafe with Fanwood Police Chief Richard Trigo and Lieutenants Francisco Marrero and Eugene Chin. Coffee With A Cop is seen as a way to keep communications open

Fanwood Party in The Park

Hundreds of Fanwood residents gathered at La Grande Park for the annual Party in the Park on June 29th. This year’s event boasted a wide array of activities including bouncy houses, slides, laser-tag, a challenge course, and a special minion

Rotary Club Awards Scholarships to SPF High School Students

Eight Scotch Plains Fanwood High School students were presented with scholarships from the Adele DeLeeuw Scholarship Fund at a dinner held on Wednesday, June 8th, at the Spain Inn in Piscataway. The scholarships are financed by a bequest from Adele DeLeeuw, longtime Plainfield resident, author of
