Category: Fanwood Post

SP-F District to Begin Strategic Planning Process, Residents Invited to Participate

The first meeting of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Education to begin the strategic planning process was held on Tuesday, October 3. Additional meetings will be held on Monday, October 16 and Thursday, November 2. Residents will have an opportunity

Richard DeLuca Joins GWACC Board

Richard DeLuca of the Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper law firm has joined the board of the Greater Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce (GWACC). “We are fortunate to have Mr. Richard DeLuca join our Board of Directors.  His experience will

David Lazarus Coaches National Chess Team in Israeli Competition

David Lazarus of Fanwood coached the 2017 United States Maccabiah Chess Team in an international competition held in Israel from July 6 to 17. Locally, Lazarus helps John Moldovan and Patrick Mazillo direct the Westfield Chess Quads on Sundays at

Fanwood Ice Cream Social

The annual Ice Cream Social at The Chelsea at Fanwood was another huge success. Rain couldn’t keep away many senior friends from inside and outside the Chelsea. Community Relations Directors Pam Gabel and Ken Gelb dished out the ice cream
