Category: Fanwood Post

Week of Code at School One

A two-day coding tutorial was designed for School One students. A representative from Microsoft worked with the students in small groups to engage them in computer programming. This personalized, hands on experience provided students in Grades K through 4 the

Casino Night Fundraiser set for February 22

The Fanwood-Scotch Plains Rotary Club will hold their Casino Night Fundraiser on Friday, February 22, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Shackamaxon Country Club in Scotch Plains. Tickets are $85 per person and include a buffet dinner and $100 in casino

Chinese Delegation Visits Scotch Plains-Fanwood Public Schools

On Friday, November 30, 2018, the Scotch Plains-Fanwood School District hosted 22 school administrators from China representing the Wenzhou School District. The visitors were visiting the United Stated through a two-week program with Kean university. During their stay in the

Peter and the Star Catcher Delights Audiences

On November 16th and 17th Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School performed Peter and the Star Catcher play to the delight of their audiences. Peter and the Star Catcher explored how a young orphan ultimately became Peter Pan, the boy who would
