Category: Cranford Monthly

Mackenzie Keim of Cranford Graduates Trinitas School of Nursing

School of Nursing Celebrates Graduates  Trinitas Regional Medical Center’s School of Nursing recently celebrated 49 graduates at its 168th commencement ceremony. Included was Mackenzie A. Keim of Cranford. The graduation ceremony, held at St. Michael Church in Cranford, featured a

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Kaleigh Keogh Receives Diabetes Scholars Scholarship

Keogh Receives Diabetes Scholars Scholarship Kaleigh Keogh, a local 2022 high school graduate, was recently awarded a scholarship through DiabetesScholars, a program of nonprofit organization Beyond Type 1 that is designed so that students with type 1 diabetes can use the support to help

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Summer Programs at Sedge Island Natural Resource Education Center

Get Outside this Summer! Register for one of the summer programs at Sedge Island Natural Resource Education Center. Participants 12 and older can choose between family clamming, kayaking or bay fishing basics. Look what’s new for 2022 – Learn how

Downtown Cranford’s Summer Sounds Held Every Thursday

Downtown Cranford’s Summer Sounds Downtown Cranford’s Summer Sounds will be held Thursday evenings until September 29, at Eastman Clock Plaza, 6 – 8:30 p.m. 8/4 Big Train – Horn-infused R&B and Soul 8/11 The Genesee Stills Band – American Grass

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