Category: Cranford Monthly

College Women’s Club of Cranford Annual Scholarships

Scholarships Awarded at Annual Banquet Submitted by Cynthia Isaksen The College Women’s Club of Cranford was founded in 1932 by Eleanor Sprole and her colleagues who dedicated their time raising money for women to further their education and attend college.

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Donations Sought for Cranford’s Little Free Pantry

Little Free Pantry Needs Food Can you donate some groceries? The Little Free Pantry is in need of a replenishment of food. Drive by Cranford United Methodist Church, 201 Lincoln Ave E, Cranford, and in the parking lot you will see the

July 4th Canoe Race Winners

Canoe Race Winners The Cranford Recreation and Parks Department is pleased to announce the winners of the July 4, 2022 Canoe Races: 10 – 13 Years Old: 1st Place:  Mike Daly & Chris Uglialoro 2nd Place:  Sam Slayton & Max Slayton 3rd Place:

Walk to End Lupus Set for September 11th

Walk to End Lupus The Lupus Foundation of America, New Jersey Chapter, invites you to our 30th Annual Walk To End Lupus Now. Join us at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 11, 2022 at Nomahegan Park in Cranford, NJ as we walk
