Advocate for Abused and Neglected Children in Your Community

(above) A recent CASA Volunteer class during their training session at the Child Focus office. 
Courtesy photo

CASA Training Program in Clark this Fall

Child Focus is seeking dedicated community members to make a difference in the lives of abused and neglected children by volunteering as Court Appointed Special Advocates, or CASA volunteers. The next training session to become a child advocate kicks off in September at the Clark Public Library.

Each year in Union County, more than 250 children are removed from home, through no fault of their own, and placed in foster care. These children suffer a dual layer of trauma – first from the abuse and neglect that led to their placement in the child welfare system, and second from the upheaval and uncertainty that comes with being removed from the only home they’ve known. They need a reliable adult on their team, someone whose only agenda is speaking up for the best interests of that child.

That’s where the nonprofit Child Focus’ Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) program comes in. A CASA volunteer ensures a child’s needs are met while in care awaiting a safe, permanent home. Advocates visit the child regularly and connect with those in the child’s life, making informed, independent, evidence-based recommendations to a family court judge. As caseworkers and resource homes frequently change, the CASA volunteer is often the only consistent adult presence in the child’s life, and providing continuity during a time of turmoil and unknowns is critical.

No professional experience or prior knowledge of the child welfare system is needed, as volunteers are trained on the ins and outs of advocating for child-victims, and fully supported by CASA staff. Volunteers complete a 36-hour in-person training course that covers a wide range of topics to ensure volunteers are prepared to navigate court proceedings, build trusting relationships with children, and collaborate with caseworkers and attorneys to create a comprehensive support network.

“Our CASA training program is designed to ensure that volunteers have the tools they need to succeed in this role and advocate for what’s truly in the best interests of the child or sibling group,” said Erica Fischer-Kaslander, Executive Director of Child Focus. “We teach a strengths-based approach, which helps volunteers harness the potential within each child and the support network surrounding them. It’s about fostering resilience and optimism for children who have experienced very difficult circumstances, and for all those involved in their journey toward a brighter future.”

In addition to educating volunteers on the child welfare system and preparing court reports, the multi-disciplinary training delves into a range of issues from trauma and mental health to poverty and cultural competency. The training incorporates role-play as well as courtroom observations, the latter of which help demystify the work. Upon successful completion of training, volunteers are equipped with the tools needed to successfully advocate for local vulnerable children, and are sworn in by a Family Court judge.

Interested in securing a spot in the fall training? Attend one of these information sessions: Wednesday, August 14 at 5:30pm at the Union County Colleen Fraser Building, 300 North Avenue East in Westfield; Thursday, August 22 at 5:30pm at the Rahway Public Library, 2 City Hall Plaza; and Wednesday, August 28 at 12pm at the Child Focus office at 1143 East Jersey Street, 2nd Floor in Elizabeth. Sessions at the Wayne Child Focus office, Hamburg Turnpike, Suite D2, are Tuesday, August 6 at 5:30pm, Thursday, August 15 at 12pm, and Monday, August 19 at 12pm. Register now


Child Focus prioritizes the needs and well-being of infants, children and teens impacted by, or at risk of, abuse or neglect by amplifying their voices and working toward lasting, permanent solutions that address their unique situations and provide support needed to thrive. This critical work is accomplished through three distinct but complementary programs: CASA of Passaic and Union Counties, NJ Safe Babies Court Team, and the Open Door Store. For more information about Child Focus, log on to

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