CASA Honors Clark Businessman Doug Chapman and Family Feted for Commitment

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Union County’s 4th annual Foster the Dream Gala at Shackamaxon Country Club in Scotch Plains on Nov. 4 was sold out, as more than 280 attendees enjoyed dinner, dancing, fireworks and auctions, celebrated the nonprofit’s advocacy work for local children in foster care and feted several honorees, including Doug Chapman and family, and his Clark financial management firm Wealth Management Group.
The Chapman family has been strong financial and volunteer supporters of CASA of Union County for many years. The CASA journey began in 2006 for Doug and Michele when they trained to become volunteer advocates and were sworn in by Judge Jo-Anne B. Spatola — the namesake of the honor they received at the gala: the Honorable Jo-Anne B. Spatola Dream-Maker Award.
Doug joined the board of trustees in 2007 and Michele has spearheaded multiple fundraising events from planning to execution. The couple’s children, Ava and Jack, assist when possible, and even have donated from their own change jar. Chapman’s firm, Wealth Management Group, has sponsored numerous CASA of Union County events over the years. For the Chapmans, community involvement and giving back doesn’t stop at CASA. Michele, an animal rights advocate, also is a trustee for the Plainfield Area Humane Society. Doug coaches youth sports and is a member of the South Plainfield board of education. Ava and Jack donate time toward animal rescue as well as Children’s Specialized Hospital.
Executive Director Marla Higginbotham notes, “Doug has been an invaluable member of the board for the last 10 years and it is this type of commitment to Union County’s children in foster care that makes our job at CASA even possible. His stewardship at the helm helped guide the organization’s growth in order to serve more vulnerable youth and for that, we are so thankful.”
CASA volunteers are empowered by court order to speak to all parties in a foster child’s life and serve as eyes and ears for the judge and a voice for the child placed into the system through no fault of their own. There are nearly 600 Union County children in foster care due to abuse, neglect or abandonment, and CASA of Union County serves one-third. Its goal is to provide a CASA volunteer for every foster child that needs one.
CASA’s next available advocate training session is January 2017, and it incorporates a new, flexible online component. For details, contact Rachel at 908-527-7045 or To inquire about other ways to support CASA of Union County, contact Marla at 908-527- 7041 or

(above) From left, Michele Chapman; Jen Mutch, president of CASA’s board of trustees; and Doug Chapman.

(above) From left, Michele Chapman; Jen Mutch, president of CASA’s board of trustees; and Doug Chapman.