Brightwood Park Day 2023
May 6th is Brightwood Park Day and you are invited! Come explore the 44-acre hidden gem on the north side of Westfield that has gone through quite a transformation for the better in the past few years.
Friends of Brightwood (FOBP) welcome you to this first annual celebration with a bevy of activities planned to showcase all of the park’s possibilities for both solitude and communal activities.
Planned events begin at 7 a.m. and continue through the day until mid-afternoon. Whether a frequent visitor to Brightwood or new to the park, there will be something to discover for all ages that day, both organized and just pure individual appreciation of the natural setting. A sampling of events include early morning birding, photography, forest bathing and yoga, history walks, fairy house building, nature classes for the young ones and more. Registration is required for many events.
For a full listing of events, and to register, please visit FriendsofBrightwood.org.