Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs Visit Cranford Library

(above) Fourth grader Jake Bush reads to Molly, a Black Lab service dog.

Cranford Library has a visit from the Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs

Submitted by The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc.

On July 9, 2019 The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs visited the Cranford Public Library to facilitate their “Paws” for Reading program where furry friends lend a floppy ear to emerging readers to hone their reading skills by reading to certified therapy dogs. These programs help the childern gain confidence by reading aloud. Practicing reading to the dogs makes it easier for the children to speak in front of groups later on.

The Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization which evaluates, tests, trains and qualifies owners and their well behaved dogs as therapy dog teams. These teams give unconditional love, boost self-esteem, and relieve loneliness and boredom. Did you know petting a dog will lower your blood pressure? The benefits are endless. They work in nursing homes, hospitals, psychiatric wards, shelters, schools and many other facilities.

Pet therapists are in great demand, and there is a serious shortage of therapy dogs.

Our dogs visit children in pediatrics. Most of the children have never been away from home before. They are frightened, fearful at the prospect of having to spend the night in a big scary hospital. Sometimes the children are severely handicapped. When they visit, the dogs seem to spark a reaction no one has ever seen before. Children in hospitals hold therapy dogs while being infused with chemotherapy. Libraries and schools are discovering how reading out loud to a dog can relieve shyness and reduce inhibitions,

We visit lonely seniors in nursing and assisted living homes. The dogs and handlers provide a welcome change in their routine and often form lasting friendships with the patients. They bring back pleasant memories of family pets in days gone by.

When we visit rehabilitation facilities and hospitals, the patients are able to ease the boredom of institutional life or the pain of recent surgery by visits from a friendly face with a wagging tail. Sometimes a depressed patient who hasn’t spoken in months will have a conversation with a dog. Difficult patients can become more compliant with a furry face to convince them to take that pill.

We never charge for visitation.  We pride ourselves upon being an all volunteer organization, so contributions and donations are important to us.
Of course, all are tax deductible.

Our handlers and dogs come in all ages, shapes and sizes — they are truly bright and beautiful. For more information please visit

(above) Fourth Grader Luke Carvalho reads to Charlie, a five year old Havansese, with handler Irene Schaefer with Bright and Beautiful Pet Therapy.

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