In February 2018 Glen Diamond, a member of Boy Scout Troop 129 in Green Brook, was raising funds for an Eagle Scout project to construct a greenhouse for Green Brook Middle School (GBMS). This would be his service project to benefit the local community and would count as one of the requirements towards earning the rank of Eagle Scout.
The fundraising campaign was successful and the greenhouse has been completed. Thanks to the many generous donations from both individuals and groups in the local community and beyond, Glen was able to purchase the greenhouse kit and other materials needed to construct the greenhouse for GBMS.
During May and June, many of the boy scouts and leaders of Troop 129 worked on constructing the greenhouse, along with some help from other family members and friends. Glen was able to present the finished greenhouse to Dr. James Bigsby, the Principal of GBMS, on June 25, 2018.
Glen is hoping to complete the Eagle Scout Board of Review this summer, prior to starting his fall semester at Rutgers University.