Blue Line Shows Support of Law Enforcement

Whether you turn on the radio, television, pick up a newspaper or sign onto social media you will see law enforcement agencies and first responders being denigrated; law enforcement officers everywhere are being portrayed in a bad light. The Borough of Kenilworth takes this personally. Our first responders are our fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors.
They don the uniform every day, they have taken an oath to serve and protect, to be the line between us and the dangers all around us, to make our world a safer place. We felt it was necessary to make it understood that the Borough of Kenilworth appreciates and supports the Kenilworth Police Department as well as all law enforcement officers.
Our public expression of appreciation was to have a blue line painted down the Boulevard from Borough Hall through downtown center.

(right) Kenilworth Department of Public Works painted a blue line down the Boulevard in support of the Kenilworth Police Department as well as all law enforcement officers.

(above) Kenilworth Department of Public Works painted a blue line down the Boulevard in support of the Kenilworth Police Department as well as all law enforcement officers.
