Pioneering “Student Grant-A-Wish” Program Continues to Grow

(above) A Tetherball set for use during gym and recess (Mason Kraut, 5th grade, Thomas P. Hughes Elementary School)
Courtesy photo


Berkeley Heights Education Foundation

Now in its second year, the Student Grant-A-Wish Program of the Berkeley Heights Education Foundation (BHEF) continues to enable students throughout the Berkeley Heights school district from kindergarten to 12th grade to submit a request to have their “wish” granted by the BHEF. Each student was able apply for funds to support anything they can think of that would enhance their educational experience.  One student’s wish was selected from each Berkeley Heights public school with the winner’s school receiving up to $500 to put towards making that student’s wish a reality during the current school year.

“That’s awesome!  I never thought my wish would get picked” said Mason Kraut, 5th grade student at Thomas P. Hughes Elementary School when he found out his wish was being granted. “It’s a super fun game, so I hope everyone at my school enjoys it!”

Each year, the BHEF offers teachers and administrators the opportunity to apply for grants that support innovative and creative educational programs, as well as supplement technology and equipment in our public schools. Through April 2024, the BHEF has already awarded over $10,000 in grants to district schools for the current school year. We are very excited to have this opened up again to our students this school year! 

“We want to support the educational experience of all district students in any way possible, which includes more than just academics,” said Daniela McDonnell, President, BHEF. “This program allows them to actively engage in this process and have a direct impact on their school.”

The 2023/2024 school year winning student wishes are as follows:

Clean out and refresh the school’s butterfly garden (Avery Agro & Louisse Karras, 1st grade, Mary Kay McMillin Preschool)

Purchase chess tables and accessories for indoor/outdoor use, a well as an Introduction to Chess program for students (Will McGrady, 2nd grade, William Woodruff Elementary School)

Tetherball set for use during gym and recess (Mason Kraut, 5th grade, Thomas P. Hughes Elementary School)

Audio speaker for Dance Club and other school events/parties (Vivianne Brosen, 3rd grade, Mountain Park Elementary School)

Podcast equipment for the creation and distribution of teacher and student content (Leo Kraut, 7th grade, Columbia Middle School)

Outdoor learning space, including benches, plantings, and educational signage for use during lunch and as a classroom alternative (Kayleigh Carlos, 11th grade, Governor Livingston High School)

For more information about the student and teacher educational wishes granted by the Berkeley Heights Education Foundation, please visit

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