Adopt-a-Sign Program
Berkeley Heights Downtown Beautification Committee
Is your family, business, organization, or club looking for a fun and rewarding way to get involved in our local community? Are you short on time but long on civic spirit? If so, the Adopt-a-Sign program may be the perfect activity for you.
Each Spring, small groups of volunteers work independently to help make Berkeley Heights prettier and more welcoming by planting and maintaining a small flower bed beneath one of 20 welcome and park signs.
Everyone is welcome to take part in the Adopt-a-Sign program. In previous years, participants ranged from Girl Scout Troops and businesses to neighborhood associations and families. Adopting a sign encourages teamwork as volunteers clean the signs, plant the beds, and keep them looking good through periodic weeding and watering as needed. Most groups replant in the Fall using seasonal plants and decorations.
The DPW has already mulched the beds, so they are ready to be adopted. And it’s easy to sign up and get more details. Simply contact the Downtown Beautification Committee, who has been managing this initiative for five years, at DBC@bhtwp.com, to choose an available site for your group. Find more information about Adopt-a-Sign guidelineshere. .
A big THANK YOU to those who adopted signs in 2022:
Connell Company, D’Silvia Family, Girl Scout Troop 40950, Junior Girl Scout Troop 40906, Edward Jones – Kevin Mack, Financial Advisor, JL Franchino Masonry, Kingsley Family, Lawrence – DiLullo Family, Moms Club of Berkeley Heights, Ortega Family
Pappas Family, The Rotary Club