Berkeley Heights Police Department Celebrates 100th Anniversary

Berkeley Heights Police Celebrate 100th Anniversary

The Berkeley Heights Police Department is proud to announce and celebrate its 100th Anniversary this year. Established in 1924, Chief Dominick Russo served as the department’s first officer, laying the foundation for what would become a strong and dedicated force in the community.

Chief Russo, the Township’s first full-time employee, dedicated 22 years of service as the sole full-time police officer until 1946. Additional officers were hired in 1946 and Russo would continue to serve a total of 32 years with BHPD. Today, the department consists of 28 full-time officers and civilian support staff, all committed to upholding the department’s rich history and serving the community with excellence.

Captain William Ives expressed his excitement for the department’s centennial milestone, highlighting the significance of the department’s legacy and the dedication of its current officers. To commemorate this special occasion, this year’s Memorial Day parade will feature the officers marching proudly behind a banner celebrating 100 years of service. In addition, an open house and celebratory dinner will be held to honor both former and current members of the department.

(above) Chief Dominick Russo

Furthermore, Captain Ives announced that the officers would be unveiling a new police patch later this year, specially designed to commemorate the 100th Anniversary.

Ives continued, as we celebrate this momentous occasion, we reflect on the dedication and commitment of all those who have served in the Berkeley Heights Police Department over the past century. We look forward to upholding the values of integrity, service, and community as we embark on the next chapter in our department’s history.

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