Berkeley Heights Bakeless Bake Sale
Submitted by Christine Bjornstad
The Woman’s Club of Berkeley Heights (WCBH) held a contactless bakeless bake sale during January, where money was donated in place of having a regular bake sale. Twenty-nine members contributed to the fundraiser for Rescue Squad, totaling $720.
WCBH is an active group of women who provide services to the community through our fundraising efforts. They provide a scholarship to a Governor Livingston High School student, and donate to local organizations, such as the Rescue Squad, and the Public Library. They also support the veterans at Lyons Hospital, the YWCA of Union County domestic violence shelter, and the residents at Autumn Lake Healthcare.
General Meetings are the third Tuesday of the month, September to May at 12:00 p.m. Indoor meetings will resume when the threat of COVID is eliminated. Our monthly meetings include guest speakers, fundraisers, luncheons, an annual picnic, and just old-fashioned fun! Additional club activities include playing bridge and Mah Jongg, visiting local museums, playing board games, and performing plays. Some members quilt, crochet, or knit and donate their items to a domestic violence shelter and Saint Joseph Social Service Center in Elizabeth.
WCBS plans on resuming General Meetings outdoors at the Columbia Park Pavilion. The dates are May 18 and June 15.
All women from surrounding communities are invited to join us. If you are interested in learning more about our club, contact Phyllis McEnroe, 908-578-6809.