If a bear comes into your yard or you see one while camping, do not be afraid, but remember bears are not tame animals, they are wild creatures.
• If you are playing with friends, get in a big group. Talk and wave your arms. You will look really big and the bear might leave. campground easily if it wants to. Don’t stand in Bears may pretend to attack by running at you. DO NOT RUN! front of the escape route!
• Make lots of noise. It could scare the bear away. Back away slowly and get to a safe area.
A bear that stands on its back legs is not about to attack you. It just wants to see and smell you better. Let a bear know you are there by waving your arms and talking to it.
Black bears rarely hurt people. If a black bear attacks, fight back!
Here are some tips that you should follow if you see a bear: …
• Do not get scared and do not run.
• Talk to the bear to let it know you are there.
• Never feed the bear!
• Do not go near the black bear.
• Do not look directly into the bear’s eyes.
• Make sure the bear can get out of your yard or
• Bears can make a lot of noise, so they may huff, snap their jaws and slap the ground if they think you are too close. Back away slowly.