Author: JoeRenna

Upcoming Programs at the Madison Public Library

All programs are free, take place in the Chase Room of the Madison Public Library at 39 Keep Street, and require online registration at madisonnjlibrary.orgunless indicated otherwise. Maple Sugaring at the Library Saturday, Mar. 9, 2:00 p.m. How is sweet

Monday Morning Yoga for seniors

Cranford Recreation and Parks Department would like to announce a new Senior program being held at the Cranford Community Center for all Cranford Seniors who are interested. Join us for forty-five minutes of “Monday Morning Senior Yoga”, Simple, functional, repetitive,

March Programs at the Mountainside Public Library

The Mountainside Public Library has scheduled the following programs for March. To register for these programs, stop into the library or call 908-233-0115. The Mountainside Public Library is located at 1 Constitution Plaza, Mountainside, NJ. “Friends of the Library Book

North Plainfield March/April Events
