Arthur L. Johnson High School Senior Awards Ceremony

(above) All Recipients

Arthur L. Johnson Senior Awards Ceremony

Clark Public Schools

Arthur L. Johnson High School held its Senior Awards Ceremony on June 6th, 2024,  to recognize outstanding student accomplishments. Seniors were honored with several awards and scholarships recognizing outstanding contributions in the areas of academics, athletics, community service, and beyond. 

Superintendent Edward Grande stated, “The outpouring of support from the larger communities of Clark and Garwood for our soon-to-be graduates was heartwarming to see. We have every confidence that these graduates will continue to make us proud as they move ahead with their life journeys.”

Photos by Clark Public Schools

Greater Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarships
(above, l-r) Presenter Alan Tenant, recipient Zoey Brown, recipient Vittorio DeMartinis, recipient George Kofos, recipient Gianna Miele, recipient Ava Wood, recipient Martin Venezio, recipient Kaeley Yurchak, Principal Tara Oliveira.
Arthur L. Johnson PTA Scholarship
(above, l-r) Superintendent Ed Grande, PTA President Michele Thompson, PTA Vice President/Membership Allyson Toto, recipient Jacob Kolibas, recipient Abigail Henkel, recipient Gwendalyn Cahill, recipient John Uniacke, recipient Keira Thompson, recipient Steven Vigliotti, recipient Leah Scepkowski, recipient Jordyn Toto, PTA Teasurer Lori Karnaugh, PTA Recording Secretary Kim Belverio.
(above) Arthur L. Johnson Alumni Association Scholarships Gave out 26 scholarships
Garwood PTA Scholarship
(above, l-r) Representative from Garwood PTA Kelly Ferrara, recipient Ava Wood, recipient Abigail Henkel, recipient of the Major Crincoli Citizenship/Leadership Award Kaeley Yurchak, Director of School Counseling Services & Assessment Andrew Amendola.
Clark UNICO Scholarships
(above, l-r) President of UNICO – Joe Arancio, recipient Taylor Normann, recipient Keira Thompson, recipient Gianna Miele, recipient Nicholas Decker, recipient Peter Philippakos, recipient Steven Vigliotti, Director of School Counseling Services & Assessment Andrew Amendola.
Clark Scholarship Fund
(above, l-r) ALJ Principal Tara Oliveira, Superintendent Ed Grande, Clark Scholarship fund presenter Martha Kamichoff, recipient Elisabeth Brighouse, Katherine Mallick, Gianna Miele.
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