Zachary Brooks is a Summit High School Freshman and an autism advocate. He has been inspired by his twin brother Jack who is affected by autism to bring awareness to the community. For several years, Zachary has rallied the community each April, Autism Awareness Month, to support his efforts in creating awareness and acceptance for ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder. His outreach efforts have included businesses, organizations and local schools. Blue ribbons were placed throughout Summit in support of the month from City Hall to the Fire and Police Departments, store fronts, Lawton C Johnson Summit Middle School, Summit High School and elementary schools.
In 2014, Zachary was named a Garden State Seeds of Hope Award recipient by NJ Monthly magazine for his autism awareness efforts. This distinguished award is given to 5 individuals a year. Zachary has used this honor to help him further his message of awareness, acceptance and kindness for all individuals and their families affected by autism.
This year, once again being inspired by his twin brother Jack, Zachary hosted an art show featuring works by students and young adults on the autism spectrum. Jack loves to draw and paint for hours at a time. Zachary not only took note of Jack’s talent, but realized how peaceful and happy he is when drawing. This gave Zachary the idea to showcase the talents of others affected by autism through art. Students from Summit, the EPIC School in Paramus, the ECLC on Chatham, Park Lake School in Rockaway, Cross Roads in Westfield and New Beginnings in Fairfield have all submitted art work for Saturday’s show, Artfully Abled. The works are all amazing.
Annette Dwyer, owner of the Mondo building in Summit graciously donated her space for the special event. Light refreshments were served all from local businesses and Zachary made a presentation during the course of the evening.

(above) Zachary Brooks holding his twin brother Jack’s art work.