Announcing The Release Of Steak At Stake

A Food Allergy Story, written by Desirée DeNourie. Come see what happens to Cole on the hungriest day of his life! Cole loves eating at restaurants, especially when steak is on the menu.
The problem is Cole has many food allergies and sometimes people struggle with tolerance.
DesirОe DeNourie resides in Warren with her husband and three sons. Her youngest son, Cole, has several food allergies. The biggest hardship DesirОe faces of maintaining an adventurous family is finding food options for her son while away from home. To her dismay, she found there are still people not willing to show compassion, even for a child. DesirОe hopes by sharing this story, people can feel empathy for those suffering from food allergies, and be more willing to help them be safe. According to FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) there is an estimated 15 million Americans with food allergies. Food allergies increased by 50% between the years 1997-2011.
Food allergies can be deadly, and every 3 minutes, someone is rushed to the emergency room because of them. That is more than 200,000  people a year.  Visit the author’s food allergy website: Visit the author’s official author webpage:
Steak at Stake: A Food Allergy Story is registered with the American Wholesale Book Company, Baker & Taylor, Follett Library Resources, Ingram, and Partners Book distributors and available online with the following retailers:
