Marine Biology Trip to Sandy Hook
Mr. Lou Van Bergen’s Marine Biology class from Arthur L. Johnson High School took a field trip to Sandy Hook this fall. They had spectacular weather for the end of October, sunny and 70 degrees. Students had studied barrier beaches and salt marshes prior to their field trip.
They spent the morning on the oceanside completing a number of surveys. They used simple, yet effective techniques to conduct a beach transect. They then conducted a number of tests to determine the ocean water quality. Last they carried out a current study.
The next stop was the salt marsh. The main focus here is to survey and collect organisms. The students used seine nets, dip nets and a shovel and sieve to collect specimens. The list of organisms collected included a wide variety of fish, crabs and shrimp. The students enjoyed this stop so much it was hard to get them out of the water.
After a quick break for lunch Mr. Van Bergen and Mrs. Bernadette Jacobi led the students on a hike through the dunes. As they entered the trail evidence of deer was present with hoof prints in the sand. Not too long after they came across a number of deer. Along the way they saw numerous plants of the dunes including the only cactus in New Jersey, the prickly pear cactus. After the hike it was back on the bus to get the organisms back to the new home for the school year in room 228 at Johnson.
Multiple students commented “This was the best field trip I have ever been on. I’m coming in the spring again.” A new set of students will return to Sandy Hook at the end of May.
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