Arthur L. Johnson Girls Summer Volleyball Team Takes Bronze

(above) Top: Lauren Raftree, Cassie Gloster, Veronica Parzych, KariAnn Mecke, Kaely Yurchak, Kassandra Ruban, Jackie Casimiro, and Coach Arvin Arjona. Botton: Taylor Pardo, Livia Cantor, Izzy Moore, Julia Bowen, and Angela Silva. Missing from the picture: Coach Jennifer Fusaro

ALJ Girls Summer Volleyball Team Takes Bronze

Clark Public Schools

On Tuesday, July 20, 2021, the ALJ Girls Summer Volleyball Team became the Bronze Medal Champions and took 3rd place overall in the Crush Summer League Playoffs. The Crush Summer League season started on June 28, 2021 and ended on July 19, 2021, with the playoffs on July 20, 2021.  ALJ Girls Summer Volleyball Team placed 5th overall in the season and this qualified them for the Crush Summer league playoffs. ALJ lost their first match versus Sugar N Spikes (Scotch Plains and Union Catholic Players) in the playoffs and this had ALJ go to the Bronze Medal Bracket. ALJ played Millburn and beat them 2-1 with scores 25-18 in the first set, 21-25 and lost a tough second set, and 15-10 in the third deciding set and then had a rematch with the Sugar N Spikes Team for the Bronze Medal and third place overall.  ALJ prevailed and beat the Sugar N Spikes team 2-0 with scores of 25-21 in the first set and 25-23 in the second set. That is ALJ Girls Summer Volleyball Team journey.  This is the first ALJ Girls Volleyball Summer Team in the Crush Summer League but ALJ had former players play as individuals and was in different Crush Teams in the past.

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