ALJ alumni Tommy Maye returns to tell his story

(above) Tommy Maye
Photo by Township of Clark

ALJ alumni returns to tell his story

Township of Clark

The Clark Drug Alliance sponsored a presentation to the juniors and seniors at Arthur L Johnson High School on May 30 featuring ALJ graduate, Tommy Maye. During the evening, Maye told his real-life story of how alcohol and a poor decision changed his life forever.

Maye openly explained the events leading up to an accident involving the death of a pedestrian. During his presentation, he showed a very moving and emotional short film he created about himself and  his high school years through his jail time and release.

He has worked hard to bring his life to a good place. Maye is happily married and has an 8-year-old child. Even so, he says a day doesn’t go by that he does not think about his past.

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