Key Club Activities
The Kiwanis Club of The Chathams and Madison
On Friday, November 25, 2022, accompanied by several members from the Kiwanis Club Of The Chathams and Madison, many members from the Madison High School Key Club participated in the annual Christmas Parade in Madison center. The Parade began at 6:30 p.m. and lasted for about an hour, with the tree lighting taking place when the parade ended. Celebrants dressed in holiday outfits featuring red and green hats, scarves, red mittens, jingle bells, garlands, and battery-operated lights.
The Chatham High School Key Club is selling Chatham Cougars ornaments. All proceeds will be used to fund the annual Outreach Meal-Packing Event scheduled for Spring, 2023. The ornaments come individually boxed with a gift tag that lets the recipient know that their gift funded seventeen meals for the hungry in the Chatham/Madison area.