Westfield Rotary Sends Learning Tablets to Eastern Europe

(above) Westfield Rotarian Burim Regjaj (back row center) personally delivered learning tablets for children in Kosovo donated by the Rotary Club of Westfield. He is pictured with Dr. Xhavit Rexhaj (far right) along with teachers, administrators and students of the learning center.

Westfield Rotary Donates Learning Tablets

Submitted by Dr. D. Michael Hart

On July 18, 2022, Westfield Rotarian Burim Regjaj delivered 20 Galaxy Tablets to minority school children in Mitrovica, Republic of Kosovo. He traveled to Kosovo at his own expense to make sure the tablets reached the intended destination. The funds for tablets were collected and donated by the Westfield Rotary Club Foundation and by fundraisers through the Rotary Club.

Professor Dr. Xhavit Rexhaj spoke to the Rotary Club of Westfield by Zoom at one of their meetings and explained that the minority children of Kosovo do not have computers, tablets or electronic access, and therefore did not attend school of any sort for an entire year during the Covid shutdown. Kosovo was part of the former Yugoslavia. The Roma schools in the region are underfunded and lack infrastructure, essential supplies, and support. These tablets will provide remote access for the students, enhance their learning, and provide training for the teachers and administrative staff. Mr. Bekim Syla, director of Roma and Ashkalia Documentation (RAD) Center, and Edin Lahu, Director of the Learning Center in Mitrovica South, Kosovo, accepted the tablets. They are tirelessly working to improve learning conditions of the Roma and Ashkali children, two minority groups in Kosovo.

The Rotary Club of Westfield extends its thanks to Prof. Dr. Xhavit Rexhaj, former Deputy Minister of Education of Kosovo, for coordinating the event with the Rotary Club Mitrovica and Rotary Club Prishtina International (RCPI). Thanks also go to Sylë Alaj and Sanije Alaj from RCPI, Naser Rexha, Asllan Vitaku, Ismail Bahtijari, and members of the RAD Center. 

Rotary International includes 1.3 million business men and women in 166 countries around the world. It is a business networking and service organization. The Rotary Club of Westfield meets the first 3 Tuesdays of each month at Limani Seafood Grill on North Ave. in Westfield. Guests are always welcome. For information, contact Secretary Dr. Michael Hartdrmhart@yahoo.com or go to our website, westfieldrotary.com

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