Westfield Rotary Installs New Officers and Board

(above, l-r) Inducting Officer Past District Governor Dr. D. Michael Hart; incoming President Tony LaPorta; outgoing President Blake Width; President Elect Barbara Frantz; Trustee Burim Regjaj

New Rotary Officers and Board

The Rotary Club of Westfield recently inducted the new officers and Board of Director for the coming Rotary Year.

The ceremony featured the “Passing of the gavel” ceremony, which honors the past presidents, and demonstrates continuity of leadership and support for the incoming President. This year the gavel was passed from Blake Width to Tony LaPorta. As is Westfield Rotary custom, Mr. Width will now serve as Chair of the Club Foundation.

Past District Governor Dr. D. Michael Hart was the Inducting Officer for the board and foundation installation. The officers include: Club President LaPorta; President Elect, Barbara Frantz; Secretary, Michael Hart; Treasurer, Steve Ketcham; and Board members are Lauren Barr, Brendan Bertsch and Burim Regjaj. The Westfield Rotary Club Foundation officers and Trustees are: Chair Blake Width; Vice Chair Tony LaPorta; Secretary Michael Hart; Treasurer Lou DaCosta; and Trustees Barbara Frantz, Brendan Bertsch, and Burim Regjaj. Scholarship Chair is Carl Peer, Esq, the Grants Chair is Marta Alexandre, and the Finance Chair is Jayson Astel.

(above) The Rotary Club of Westfield’s president Tony LaPorta

Outgoing President Width reflected on the club’s accomplishments this past year including the return to in-person meetings, a successful Breakfast with the Bands, the distribution of $113,000 in scholarships and $30,000 in community grants, the club’s continued missions in aiding veterans at the Lyons VA and commitment to ending hunger through collections for St. Joseph’s Social Service Center and backpack program; among many others.

Incoming President Tony LaPorta illuminated his vision for the coming year.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank President Blake Width for his outstanding leadership, dedication and friendship over the last year, while guiding Westfield Rotary and building for the future,” President LaPorta said. “Some say an individual cannot change the world. Others say it’s hopeless to even try. Let them get to know Rotary and see firsthand how individual members have worked to improve the world one step, one person at a time. Our programs offer a hand up, not a handout. That’s changing someone’s world!”

President LaPorta recognized several club members for their work in living up to the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self” and pledged a continuation of the clubs various service activities including continuation of Pedals for Progress, which is the collection of used bicycles for transport to developing nations around the world.

In addition to the continued service activities, the club plans to raise $10,000 for humanitarian relief in Ukraine partnering with Rotary International.

The Rotary Club of Westfield is a Service club for business men and women who wish to give back to their community. They meet the first three Tuesdays of the month at Limani Restaurant on North Avenue. Guests are always welcome. For more information visit  westfieldrotary.com or email Secretary Michael Hart drmhart@yahoo.com.

Photos by Chung Kun Shih

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