Bullying is a Part of Growing Up!

(above) Syona J, is a student at Coles Elementary School, Grade 3 Courtesy photo

Bullying is a Part of Growing Up!

Submitted by Syona J. 

Did you know that some adults might say that bullying is just a part of growing up? It causes problems for children who are bullied, though. They might feel bad about themselves and change the way they act just because of bullying. Bullies continue to rule schools because they think that they are the best. This needs to change. Adults need to fight bullying more. Bullying can even lead to mental health issues. 

It is normal to feel lonely or unhappy or mad or frustrated or just annoyed and you are sitting in the corner. It is normal to feel that if you are getting bullied you should say… “Hey I don’t like that and it is not nice to make fun of me just because …… okay so just stop that!” If someone is making fun of you it could just mean that they are going through a tough time. If you know how that feels then maybe ask “Hey do you need some help because I think you are going through a tough time, maybe I can help, doctors can usually help.”

It isn’t a good habit when you grow up to be a bully because no one will be your friend if you are a bully. When you bully it gets worse, and it is getting really worse because of social media. People are bullying online and it is not fun to get bullied specially in front of your entire social media fans/friends and your followers. I think that people should stop being a bully, remember that we are all family even if someone is rude you will always have family to talk to. Always remember that if you get bullied then just stand up for yourself, if that doesn’t help then talk to someone to get rid of those negative thoughts and bring out the love for each other.